Is there legal liability for the loses?

The untold story about hopes, an Alleged Fraud, Alleged Money Laundering, Russia, the Companies ACT, Companies House and a major bank

Were any laws broken?

A Bowls world split?

We thank the Sun Newspaper for this Article about WSB

Kicked in the bowls – The Irish Sun | The Irish Sun (

What have and are we doing?

Highlighting Problems

We have spent over 6 years researching this situation to see what legal redress there is within the current laws.

We are pleased to note new laws are now being implemented to address some of the issues we have been highlighting.

Money Laundering Regulations

This is an area we have recently obtained new evidence allowing us to continue are work in this area.

A question we Pose is

Have other sports also been subject to similar events? We would be delighted to hear your thoughts and views?

Or was this just a one off in the world of Bowls?

How BIG was the alleged Fraud?

£0 - £450k?

In case you would like to ask a question

Contact us

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